Return to Gender Violence Bill (The Tribune)

Aug. 8, 2023 – The Tribune

Equality Bahamas and founder Alicia Wallace featured in The Tribune on August 8, 2023.

From The Tribune:

A Member of Parliament was accused of physical and sexual violence as well as alleged threats of death more than three months ago, and there is no action resulting from the slow investigation. The accused Member of Parliament continues to hold his position, and has not been pressured by the Prime Minister or any parliamentarian to remove himself from parliament.

“In my opinion this is a clear disregard and lack of respect and care, by this administration, for survivors of sexual violence and other forms of intimate partner violence. It has no concern for the woman who went to great lengths to report to the police and later to the media. Its inaction appears to be support for abuse of power, whether perceived or realized, by the Member of Parliament,” said Alicia Wallace, director of Equality Bahamas. “Based on the way the government mishandled this case, it should be no surprise that the government attempted to dupe civil society with its complete reversal on the Gender-Based Violence bill, replacing it with another bill while pretending it is meant to have the same effect.”