Press secretary Clint Watson apologises for ‘inaccurate comments’ (The Tribune)

Oct. 19, 2022 – The Tribune

Equality Bahamas founder and co-director, Alicia Wallace featured in The Tribune on October 19, 2022.

From The Tribune:

Meanwhile, Equality Bahamas founder Alicia Wallace told The Tribune yesterday: “We have been vocal, we have been bold, and we have been consistent.

“We are indefatigable. The #Strike5ive campaign by Equality Bahamas was launched in 2020, continuing years of advocacy for the criminalisation of marital rape.”

“It was relaunched, complete with new graphics and clear demands, including the amendment of Section 3 of the Sexual Offences Act to remove ‘who is not his spouse’ from the definition of rape, the repeal of Section 15, and the inclusion of a statutory definition of consent.

“All three of these appear in the amendment bill, and this is not a coincidence. It is a result of our fierce advocacy and clarity of message.”

Ms Wallace was responding to press secretary Clint Watson’s comments on Friday about local advocacy groups not being vocal enough regarding the controversial topic.