Equality Bahamas renews call for gov’t action on gender-based violence (Eyewitness News)

Nov. 25, 2022 – Eyewitness News

Equality Bahamas founder and co-director Alicia Wallace featured in Our News on November 25, 2022.

From Eyewitness News:

In a statement, Equality Bahamas underscored that gender-based violence is not limited to domestic violence and intimate partner violence, but also includes structural violence, and discriminatory laws.

“The law sets a standard and it informs behavior. There must be action to prevent and to intervene, and it cannot be limited to interpersonal relationships,” said Alicia Wallace, Director of Equality Bahamas.

“The legal exception in the Sexual Offences Act on rape, for example, wrongfully communicates that it is acceptable for men to rape their wives. In its supposed attempt to address this issue with an amendment to criminalize marital rape, the government has invited a debate on women’s human rights rather than acknowledging its obligation and taking the appropriate action. Ending gender-based violence requires legislative reform.”