Bishop Hanchell: Wives do not have right to withhold sex (The Tribune)

Sept. 14, 2022 – The Tribune

Equality Bahamas founder and co-director Alicia Wallace featured in Our News on September 14, 2022.

From The Tribune:

When contacted for comment on the bishop’s controversial views, Equality Bahamas Director Alicia Wallace expressed her outrage to this newspaper.

“Hanchell’s comments are vile, rooted in the violent idea that women are less than human and become the property of men if they choose to marry. Dangerously, given his position as a religious leader and the vague references he made to God, he is misleading people who trust and depend on others to read and interpret religious text.

“He conflates his misogynistic beliefs about marriage with the law of The Bahamas — a secular state that must not impose religion on anyone — and it is the law, not the religious beliefs of a group of people, that we are changing,” she said.

The activist stressed there should not be a debate on the need for legal protection from the violent act of rape.