Activist: Bishop’s statement important (The Tribune)

Oct. 26, 2022 – The Tribune

Equality Bahamas founder and co-director Alicia Wallace featured in The Tribune on October 26, 2022

From The Tribune:

“This is important as many denominations have failed to be publicly vocal in their support, and many others have chosen to, instead, support rapists,” Equality Bahamas director Alicia Wallace said when contacted for comment yesterday about Bishop Boyd’s statements.

“When ‘the church’ is discussed in public discourse, particularly in reference to human rights, it is seen as a barrier to the progress we need to make as a country, both in la

w and in our beliefs and behaviour.

“It is important for rights-minded people and institutions to be heard, especially in the midst of a false debate about bodily autonomy and the definition of rape.

“Boyd clearly stated that rape is violence and the right to protection from violence is not lost as a result of marriage,” Ms Wallace said.