Women’s Wednesdays: Women & Work – A Look at Unpaid Labour

#WomensWednesdays highlights Bahamian women and our experiences in The Bahamas, specific to our identities including gender, race, sexuality, age, and ability. Held once per month at minimum, the events will draw women together to have conversations that bring our individual lives into focus while connecting to family, community, and national narratives.
#WomensWednesdays intentionally centers and prioritizes women and girls, and is open to the public through in-person events, livestreams, and social media activity. It is a collaborative effort of Equality Bahamas and the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas to create a safe space for knowledge-building, idea-sharing, critical dialogue, and movement-building.
Women & Work features a presentation by Gender Specialist Audrey Roberts on the economic cost of unpaid labour. Following the presentation, she will be joined in conversation by Felicity Humblestone who is an only child and has responsibility for caring for her mother, Juliette.

We invite everyone in the room to participate as we explore the following:

-What is “woman’s work”?
-What is emotional labour, and why does it fall to women to do it?
-What is the role of the caregiver?
-What are the gaps between domestic workers’ rights and their realities?
-What are existing formal and informal support systems for women undertaking undervalued/unpaid work?
-How can we imagine a time and place where women’s work is compensated?