Women’s Wednesdays: Women in Business

Thinking about starting a business? Have a side-hustle you want to make your main gig? Looking for an option for passive income? Joined by Gail Hanna, Odaz Lightbourne Beneby, and Candis Marshall, we’re going beyond the typical everyone-should-have-a-business conversation. Women have unique experiences of family, friendship, and work, and women in The Bahamas have particular opportunities and challenges. We’ll consider all of these in our discussion about business, start-up and beyond, work-life balance, and community support.

Our conversation will be guided by these questions:
– What needs to be in the businesswoman’s toolkit?
– How do we know our skill or talent lends itself to a business? Is there a checklist?
– Who do we need in our corner as we go through the process of starting a business?
– What are our options for accessing capital?
– How do we identify the ideal business partner, vendor, and consumer?
– How do we balance the demands of work/business with those of our personal lives?

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Women’s Wednesdays was founded by Equality Bahamas as a response to community members’ requests for a space to access resources, experts, and practitioners, share knowledge, and engage in conversation with one another. Officially started in May 2017, Women’s Wednesdays highlights Bahamian women and our experiences in The Bahamas, specific to our identities including gender, race, sexuality, age, and ability. Held once per month at minimum, the events draw women together to have conversations that bring our individual lives into focus while connecting to family, community, and national narratives.

#WW242 intentionally centers and prioritizes women and girls, and is open to the public through in-person events, livestreams, and social media activity. With the support of the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas, we create a safe space for knowledge-building, idea-sharing, critical dialogue, and movement-building.

Inspired by Equality Bahamas’ Women’s Wednesdays, there is now a similar initiative in Guyana, and other countries in the Caribbean are expected to follow our lead.