Women’s Wednesdays: International Women’s Day

As International Women’s Day approaches, with the theme of #PressForProgress, we’re going to talk about women’s bodies, stories, and rights. Joined by Gaynel Curry (Director, Department of Gender and Family Affairs), Iris Adderley (Consultant, Secretariat of The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities), and Charlotte Henay (Researcher, Poet), we will talk about the progress we have (not) made in recent years, the work left to be done, and who needs to do it. To bring context to the discussion, we will reflect on the 2016 referendum and respond to ongoing conversation about marital rape.

Our conversation will be guided by these questions:
– The theme for International Women’s Day 2018 is #PressForProgress. What should this look like here, in The Bahamas? And for your community?
– What do we need to know about international conventions and declarations like CEDAW?
– What is feminism in the Bahamian context, and who is it for?
– Who are the women and girls we are leaving behind? How do we remedy this?
– How can we use storytelling/sharing in our #PressForProgress?
– How can we reconcile Christianity and rights and protection of women and girls?
– What is your response to the conversation around marital rape?
– How can we create a culture of consent?

Women’s Wednesdays highlights Bahamian women and our experiences in The Bahamas, specific to our identities including gender, race, sexuality, age, and ability. Held once per month at minimum, the events will draw women together to have conversations that bring our individual lives into focus while connecting to family, community, and national narratives.

#WW242 intentionally centers and prioritizes women and girls, and is open to the public through in-person events, livestreams, and social media activity. It is a collaborative effort of Equality Bahamas and the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas to create a safe space for knowledge-building, idea-sharing, critical dialogue, and movement-building.