International Women’s Day 2023

On Saturday March 4, 2023, we held our International Women’s Day March and Expo. Immediately following the march, we got this photo. After the photo, Ms. Deidree took over with Zumba and the Expo opened for participants to learn more about organizations and join interactive sessions. At Equality Bahamas, we are committed to advocacy, public education, and community. We are intentional about all of our work starting with and being moved by community members.

Thank you for showing up, getting loud, and creating a beautiful space with us!

Thank you to The Dundas Centre for the Performing Arts for generously providing the space for us to gather and share.

One of the highlights of the International Women’s Day March and Expo is always yoga, so we make sure there are multiple sessions. Bianca Wagner and Antonio Weech led yoga classes.

In addition to Zumba and yoga, Christina Johnson led a session on Stress & Anxiety Management, we talked Climate with Kelli Armstrong, Gabrielle Miller led us in contemporary dance, there was a Self-Care Poetry Workshop with Maelynn Ford, and Martha Hanna Smith taught us about Bush Medicine.

DJ Ampero also created an amazing mix with on bodily autonomy and climate justice in celebration of IWD. Listen to it below.