Developing Feminist Standards for Governance

Ahead of the 2022 general election, Equality Bahamas is facilitating the development of a community-sourced set of feminist standards for governance that respond to the structural issues and systems of inequality that shape the lived realities of people in The Bahamas. The feminist standards for governance will function as a declaration of our position, assessment tool for political parties and candidates, and call to action for the next administration.

In the first collaborative working session on July 7, we discussed seven thematic areas—health, education, women and LGBTQI+ people, social services, youth, environment, and labor and economy in small groups and considered three critical concerns—gender-based violence, climate change, and disaster management. On Wednesday, July 21, we will continue to look at those themes and critical concerns.

For an example of an outcome document developed from a similar process in 2020, check out our Policy Recommendations to End Gender-based Violence:…/1zBF4NIhnt6JB7WD0Thq5…/edit…