On March 25, 2023, CEDAW Committee Member Hiroko Akizuki led a conversation on CEDAW Article 11 on Employment.

The CEDAW (Convention) Speaker Series is designed to familiarize members of the public with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), known as the women’s bill of rights.

On the third week of each month, we will be joined by an expert to look at one Article of the Convention, its interpretation, its application to the Bahamian context, and the most recent assessment of the country’s progress.

Access slides: http://tiny.cc/cedawhiroko

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/cedaw.pdf


Watch the replay of the CEDAW speaker series on article 11 below.

Check out the CEDAW speaker series playlist below for more discussions on the articles.

In March’s Feminist Book Club, we’re reading Getting Lost by Annie Ernaux. A memoir originally published by the French author in 2001, it was translated to English in 2022. The book, consisting of diary entries, details a love affair Ernaux had with a Soviet diplomat beginning in 1988.

Join us for a discussion Thursday March 23 at Poinciana Paper Press

To register or join virtually: visit: tiny.cc/fbc2023.


Equality Bahamas facilitates a conversation with global organizations about ending gender-based violence through legal reform and community engagement. This will center migrant women and rural women who are often left out of interventions and do not have access to critical resources and services. How do and can we leverage technological tools to learn, share, and create together, across borders, to advance women’s rights, reach those in situations of vulnerability, and end gender-based violence?

Antonia Kirkland, Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights
Salote Soqo, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Angela Sanau Paswa, Climate Justice Resilience Fund
Laura Williams, Global Rights for Women

Moderator: Alicia Wallace, Equality Bahamas

Watch the replay of the virtual panel below, which took place March 17, 2023.


In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led to lockdowns, curfews, and other restrictions that changed the way people lived and worked. During the height of the pandemic, there was a shift to virtual platforms and remote work, enabling people to connect across geographic areas, but requiring smart devices and reliable internet connection. Equality Bahamas invites organizations and individuals to participate in a conversation about innovation and technology in feminist and organizing and gender equality advocacy, education, and initiatives.

How can we continue to prioritize community participation as the world returns to “normal” and specific community access needs have not been met? What does feminist organizing and advocacy for women’s human rights look like today, and how can technology enable it? How might we think about technology beyond devices? We come (and welcome participants to come) to this conversation with curiosity. We are open to learning, sharing experiences, and imagining the changes we can make in our practices, understanding them as integral to our co-creation of the world we want.

Bina Ramanand, Family Frontiers
Clara Mottura, GEF ISLANDS Programme
Jyoti Diwan, ICAAD
Dr. Magda(lena) Szarota, Humanity in Action
Gillian Cooper, Commonwealth Foundation


Watch the replay of the discussion that took place March 15, 2023 below.

On Saturday March 4, 2023, we held our International Women’s Day March and Expo. Immediately following the march, we got this photo. After the photo, Ms. Deidree took over with Zumba and the Expo opened for participants to learn more about organizations and join interactive sessions. At Equality Bahamas, we are committed to advocacy, public education, and community. We are intentional about all of our work starting with and being moved by community members.

Thank you for showing up, getting loud, and creating a beautiful space with us!

Thank you to The Dundas Centre for the Performing Arts for generously providing the space for us to gather and share.

One of the highlights of the International Women’s Day March and Expo is always yoga, so we make sure there are multiple sessions. Bianca Wagner and Antonio Weech led yoga classes.

In addition to Zumba and yoga, Christina Johnson led a session on Stress & Anxiety Management, we talked Climate with Kelli Armstrong, Gabrielle Miller led us in contemporary dance, there was a Self-Care Poetry Workshop with Maelynn Ford, and Martha Hanna Smith taught us about Bush Medicine.

DJ Ampero also created an amazing mix with on bodily autonomy and climate justice in celebration of IWD. Listen to it below.

It’s signmaking day!

Drop by Poinciana Paper Press (at 12 Parkgate Road) any time between 2pm and 8pm today (March 1). We’ll be there with markers, paint, poster paper, glue, glitter, and, of course, everything we need for screenprinting! Get ready to come up with designs, cut stencils, roll ink, and be in good company. Bring a tshirt and/or towel and try your hand at printing your own design promoting women’s rights as human rights! This event is free and open to the public.

As always, this is a pro-woman and pro-LGBTQI+ space and no misogyny, hostility against LGBTQI+ people, racism, ableism, xenophobia, or any form of violence will be tolerated.

Our Feminist Book Club with Poinciana Paper Press continues with “What My Bones Know” by Stephanie Foo, and we look forward to discussing it with you on February 23 at 6pm EST.

Join us for a discussion Thursday, February 23 at Poinciana Paper Press

To register or join virtually: visit: tiny.cc/fbc2023  

Trigger and content warning: The first part of the book describes, in detail, her experiences with child abuse including physical violence, suicidal ideation, abandonment, and emotional abuse.

In January, we’re reading A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid. From 1988, A Small Place is a book-length essay drawing on Kincaid’s experiences growing up in Antigua.

Join us for a discussion Thursday, January 26 at Poinciana Paper Press.

To register or join virtually: visit: tiny.cc/fbc2023

In the lead-up to the 30th anniversary of The Bahamas’ ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Equality Bahamas hosted the CEDAW (Convention) Speaker Series. This is the ninth session, looking at Article 10 on Education, and we were joined by Hilary Gbedemah, member of the CEDAW Committee.

The CEDAW (Convention) Speaker Series is designed to familiarize members of the public with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), known as the women’s bill of rights. On the third week of each month, we will be joined by an expert to look at one Article of the Convention, its interpretation, its application to the Bahamian context, and the most recent assessment of the country’s progress.

Watch the replay of the session below, which took place on January 21, 2023.

For more sessions in the CEDAW convention speaker series, check out the YouTube playlist below.


For the first Women’s Wednesdays event of 2023, Equality Bahamas founder and co-director Alicia Wallace speaks to Mexico-based journalist Chantal Flores and Nadeen Spence. The conversation is centered around femicide and what it looks like in Latin America and Jamaica, what reporting about femicide looks like and what it should look like. The women also share what we can do to ensure we have better reporting on femicide and how we as community members can get involved to end gender-based violence.

Watch the replay of the full conversation from January 19, 2023.