On Saturday, June 18 2022 at 10am EDT, Equality Bahamas was joined by Gaynel Curry, a Bahamian human rights expert and Independent Expert Member of the United Nations (UN) Permanent Forum of People of African Descent.

Gaynel led a conversation on CEDAW Article 4 which focuses on temporary special measures. The CEDAW (Convention) Speaker Series is designed to familiarize members of the public with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), known as the women’s bill of rights.

On the third week of each month, we will be joined by an expert to look at one Article of the Convention, its interpretation, its application to the Bahamian context, and the most recent assessment of the country’s progress.

Watch the replay of the session below.

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/cedaw.pdf


Check out the CEDAW speaker series playlist below for more discussions on the articles.


On Saturday, May 21 2022 at 11am EDT, Equality Bahamas was joined by Esther Eghobamien-Mshelia, a Nigerian public policy analyst and a former member of the United Nations CEDAW Committee.

Esther led a conversation on CEDAW Article 3 which focuses on basic human rights, fundamental freedoms, and national gender machinery. The CEDAW (Convention) Speaker Series is designed to familiarize members of the public with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), known as the women’s bill of rights.

On the third week of each month, we will be joined by an expert to look at one Article of the Convention, its interpretation, its application to the Bahamian context, and the most recent assessment of the country’s progress.

Slides can be viewed at http://tiny.cc/cedawesther

Watch the replay of the session below.

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/cedaw.pdf


Check out the CEDAW speaker series playlist below for more discussions on the articles.


Lauren Glinton facilitates bystander intervention training, teaching the 5Ds and how to choose the safest way to intervene when witnessing sexual harassment. Alicia Wallace and Marion Bethel then talk about the #Strike5ive campaign to criminalize marital rape and the specific amendments to the Sexual Offences Act Equality Bahamas demands.

Watch the replay from May 4, 2022 below.

Equality Bahamas is in conversation with Ardra Manasi (Senior Program Coordinator, Advocacy and Partnerships at Center for Women’s Global Leadership) about International Labor Organization’s Convention C190 (and Recommendation 206) on Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.

Watch the replay from April 30, 2022 below.

Access the resources on C190 by CWGL at http://tiny.cc/cwglresources

On Saturday, April 23 2022 at 10am EDT, Equality Bahamas was joined by Patricia Schulz, a Swiss lawyer specializing in international human rights and gender equality and a former member of the United Nations CEDAW Committee.

Patricia led a conversation on CEDAW Articles 1 (Discrimination) and 2 (Policy measures). The CEDAW Speaker Series is designed to familiarize members of the public with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), known as the women’s bill of rights.

On the third week of each month, we will be joined by an expert to look at one Article of the Convention, its interpretation, its application to the Bahamian context, and the most recent assessment of the country’s progress.

Slides can be viewed at http://tiny.cc/cedawpatricia

Watch the replay below.

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/cedaw.pdf


Check out the CEDAW speaker series playlist below for more discussions on the articles.



Equality Bahamas is at The Bahamas Crisis Centre‘s Silent Witness exhibition until 6pm. Come by to learn more about the #Strike5ive campaign to criminalize #MaritalRape and get some stickers that make statements.

This is the fourth event in the Building the Gender Machinery series by Equality Bahamas. Bina Ramanand from Family Frontiers in Malaysia, Catherine Harrington from Global Campaign for Equality Nationality Rights, and Amal de Chikera from Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion talk about the importance of gender equal nationality rights, the challenges that statelessness presents, and the recent success in Malaysia.

Watch the replay from the session that took place March 26, 2022 below.


Last Saturday, in the third event in our #BuildingGenderMachinery series, Gaynel Curry helped us to understand the purpose of a national #GenderPolicy. We looked at two of the seven goals and discussed ways of strengthening the objectives and related strategies. We recognized the need to update and improve this document quickly so that it can be implemented, and we will share opportunities for you to participate in that process soon.

Watch the replay of the conversation which took place March 19, 2022 below.


At our second event in our Building the Gender Machinery series, Marital Rape: Gaps in the Law and Proposed Amendments (held on March 15, 2022), Attorney and CEDAW Committee member Marion Bethel walked us through the Sexual Offences Act and the proposed amendment bill to criminalize marital rape. She helped us to identify existing gaps and opportunities to strengthen the law, protect women from sexual violence, and advance women’s rights.

Watch the replay of the session with Marion Bethel below.

In this CSW66 (Commission on the Status of Women) event, Alicia Wallace from Equality Bahamas is in conversation with Phylicia Alexander from RedRoot SVG (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) and Joseph-Zane Sikulu from 350 Pacific about their experiences in disaster relief, meeting the specific needs of people in situations of vulnerability, and elements of a feminist future.

Watch the replay of the session from March 15, 2022 below.